We are almost constantly expanding, but as of July 2013 we had 28 fume hoods with the following equipment
100 L glass and 500 L steel reactors, Parr 3916 hydrogenation reactor, automatic hydrogen generator, parallel shakers
Llyophilizer, glove boxes, sonicater, chillers, Diaphragm pumps, stability study incubators etc
NMR: Advance 300 MHz
Agilent 1260 analytical HPLC and 1260 semi-prep-HPLC Systems
Agilent 6120 LC-MS Spectrometer
Bruker Daltonics micrOTOF- QII high-resolution mass spectrometer
Agilent 1260 analytical HPLC and 1260 semi-prep-HPLC Systems
Thermo Nicolet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer
TU-1810 APC UV-VIS spectrophotometer
WZZ-2S digital automatic polarimeter
And much, much, more
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